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  • Writer's pictureFAITH CABRERA

5 Heuristics of the UX of Instagram

One of the most valuable aspects of UX (user experience) design is being able to evaluate how easy an app is to use based on certain criteria. The app I will be evaluating is Instagram. The reason I’m interested in this app is because Instagram helps you connect with people and also you can share videos or images to your friends and family.

One way we evaluate a product, app, or service in UX is through something called Heuristics. There are 10 main heuristics, and I’ll be covering system status, user control,consistency, flexibility, and Minimalist Aesthetics.

The first Heuristic I’ll be using is system status. This heuristic has to do with the visibility of system status refers to how well the state of the system is conveyed to its users. Ideally, systems should always keep users informed about what is going on, through appropriate feedback within reasonable time. One example of this heuristic is a loading or buffering sign on Netflix.

With Instagram, system status is used in Instagram when the posts are unable to load. They do a good job of using this heuristic because it lets you know that your service is poor or Instagram is experiencing technical issues.

Overall, I would give Instagram a 5 out of 5 score based on the system status letting us know that there is a problem with the app or with the service.

One of the most valuable aspects of UX (user experience) design is being able to evaluate how easy an app is to use based on certain criteria. The app I will be evaluating is Instagram . The reason I’m interested in this app is that Instagram helps you connect with people and also you can share videos or images to your friends and family.


One way we evaluate a product, app, or service in UX is through something called Heuristics. There are 10 main heuristics, and I’ll be covering system status, user control,consistency, flexibility, and Minimalist Aesthetics.

The second Heuristic I’ll be using is user control. This heuristic has to do with A control created by a developer, usually by combining other controls, often intended for use in a specific application. You can add existing Web server controls and markup to a user control. One example of this heuristic is when you delete an app on your phone it asks “are you sure” if you want to delete the app.

With Instagram, when tapping on the gear icon on someone's post it lets you know whether you want to follow or mute. They do a good job of using this heuristic because by making sure you want to complete that action and gives you options.

Overall, I would give Instagram a 5 out of 5 score based on because the user control gives you options on the gear icon and also lets the user know if they want to continue that action.

One of the most valuable aspects of UX (user experience) design is being able to evaluate how easy an app is to use based on certain criteria. The app I will be evaluating is Instagram. The reason I’m interested in this app is Instagram helps you connect with people and also you can share videos or images to your friends and family.

One way we evaluate a product, app, or service in UX is through something called Heuristics. There are 10 main heuristics, and I’ll be covering system status, user control,consistency, flexibility, and Minimalist Aesthetics.

The third Heuristic I’ll be using is consistency. This heuristic has to do with consistency is concerned with making sure elements in a user interface are uniform. They'll look and behave the same way. One example of this heuristic is the placement of buttons on an app.

With Instagram, they have buttons that work well together and make it easier for the user without having to explain. They do a good job of using this heuristic because when you open Instagram you automatically know that arrow button is for direct messaging and the flag button is for saved post

Overall, I would give Instagram a 5 out of 5 score based on being very consistent when it comes to having simple to navigate your way through Instagram.

One of the most valuable aspects of UX (user experience) design is being able to evaluate how easy an app is to use based on certain criteria. The app I will be evaluating is Instagram. The reason I’m interested in this app is Instagram helps you connect with people and also you can share videos or images to your friends and family.

One way we evaluate a product, app, or service in UX is through something called Heuristics. There are 10 main heuristics, and I’ll be covering system status, user control,consistency, flexibility, and Minimalist Aesthetics.

The fourth Heuristic I’ll be using is flexibility. This heuristic has to do with software flexibility refers to the ability for the solution to adapt to possible or future changes in its requirements. One example of this heuristic keyboard shortcuts.

With Instagram, they make it easier for you to direct messaging. They do a good job of using this heuristic because all you have to do is search for someone's username and can instantly message them whether you follow them or not they will still get the message, also when its come to group messaging you just click on the users accounts you want to put in the group message and that's it.

Overall, I would give Instagram a 5 out of 5 score based on being very flexible when it comes to having shortcuts when messaging

One of the most valuable aspects of UX (user experience) design is being able to evaluate how easy an app is to use based on certain criteria. The app I will be evaluating is Instagram. The reason I’m interested in this app is Instagram helps you connect with people and also you can share videos or images to your friends and family.

One way we evaluate a product, app, or service in UX is through something called Heuristics. There are 10 main heuristics, and I’ll be covering system status, user control,consistency, flexibility, and Minimalist Aesthetics.

The fifth Heuristic I’ll be using is minimalist aesthetics. This heuristic has to do with Minimalist aesthetic that captures the “less is more” approach to a minimalist lifestyle in a style of decor. While it typically refers to home decor, it can be applied to any visual space. Usually, it involves neutral colors, clean spaces, and minimal distractions. One example of this heuristic having a simple feed on your Instagram.

With Instagram, minimal aesthetics allows your feed to be neat, easier to navigate, and more organized on your feed. They do a good job of using this heuristic because while having the option to make your feed neat it allows you to look for certain posts and makes it less cluttered

Overall, I would give Instagram a 5 out of 5 score based on being very minimal when it comes to having your feed neat and way easier to navigate

Hopefully, you can get a sense of how valuable the UX process is. Leave comments about any questions or ideas you might have.

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