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  • Writer's pictureFAITH CABRERA

My UX essay

The UX process help product, service, and a app be successful by generating happy customers and increasing sales. The first thing a UX designer thinks about is how to align the goals of the user with the goals of the business. If a user goal is to buy a product, then the business goal needs to be making that product a useful, usable, and a delightful action. A user goal is to get more information then the business goal is to provide quality information which instills trust in the user as well as friendly, helpful sales staff to explain things to the user over the phone. Strategy concerns the five-WS-the who, what, where, when and notably the why behind things, for example what's the idea or product?, who is the customer?, why should we create this? The strategy plane is about defining the business goals, user goals, and where they overlap. Strategy calls for research, actually talking to users, and collaborating with all stakeholders to understand the subject at hand. Another aspect is the structure, this plane defines the patterns and sequences in which experience presented to user. As far as pursuing UX as a career, I'm not sure yet. I'm leaning more towards fashion apparel just because I've been wanting that to be my career for a long time. I'll probably include little aspects I learned form UX design and expand my career with my experience from UX.

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