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  • Writer's pictureFAITH CABRERA

The UX of Apps

As a high school student studying a pretty new field called “User Experience” or “UX”, I’ve been given the task of breaking down the UX of something I’m pretty interested in,


If I had to describe UX in my own words, I’d say it’s User Experience refers to the feeling users experience when using a product, application, system, or service.

An example of how UX is used is the user experience (UX) is what a user of a particular product experiences when using that product.

The reason I’m writing a blog article about the UX of apps is apps help get around easier and also bring solutions to everyday problems.

I use this on a daily basis so I’m pretty familiar with how it works and what I like and dislike about it.

In UX, we use this term “persona”, which basically refers to personas represent the different user types that might use your service, product, site, or brand in a similar way. Creating personas will help you to understand your users' needs, experiences, behaviors and goals.

An example of a user persona for this product would be a 20-year-old female who’s likely introverted and enjoys online reading, or using apps to learn how to sew.

A “Pain Point” or area that could use improvement with apps sometimes the apps don't work well or they have too many ads. Most likely, others using this app are having similar issues.

As UX designers, we have all sorts of tools that are part of our practice in order to solve these issues, including “ideation”, “user flow maps”, “wire-framing” and “prototyping”.

I would ultimately solve this pain point by testing the app over and over again to make sure it works and limit the ads

UX, while relatively new, is absolutely important in helping the things we all use work better and make our lives better.

I hope this post helps demonstrate how useful this skillset is. Now that y'all have a better understanding of UX you can now see how it helps the user in their everyday lives and how UX is incorporated everywhere in the world.

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